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Sexperterna / Chemsafe

Sexperterna / Chemsafe


What is Chemsafe?

Chemsafe is Sexperterna’s unit with a focus on risk and harm reduction for persons who use drugs at sex-positive spaces or in connection with sex.

The initiative is a particularly important part of our outreach work since men who have sex with men (MSM), transgender persons, and sex workers are overrepresented groups in studies on chemsex and substance use. Our goal is to be physically present at the locations where our target groups are.

Who is the Chemsafe team?


How does Chemsafe work?

Chemsafe is an outreach program consisting of a team specialized in the areas of sex, drugs, and harm reduction. The team visits different events where persons from the target groups who use drugs may be present.

The purpose is to increase safety, and offer support and information on harm reduction without judgment. Our activities may include the provision of advice and relevant information to those who want to quit using drugs, as well as information to those who want to reduce their use or do so in a safer manner. Like our other activities, Chemsafe follows a person-centered approach where we tailor our efforts based on each individual’s circumstances and resources.

What competencies and tasks does the Chemsafe team have?

The Chemsafe team has undergone three trainings:

  • Sexperterna’s training on sexual health.
  • Sexperterna’s education on harm reduction and risk prevention.
  • Defibrillator & CPR training course.


Our field tasks can be divided into two categories:


  • Preventive measures, such as:


  • Information provision about different drugs, their effects, and substance use.
  • Referral to RFSL Stockholm’s counseling service and counselors specialized in chemsex/drug-related questions within the LGBTQI+ community (Chemsex counseling clinic), as well as to other support services within RFSL Stockholm and regular healthcare.



  • Emergency support measures, such as:


  • Calling 112 (emergency services).
  • Managing overdoses.
  • Performing CPR.
  • Using a defibrillator.
  • Supporting someone feeling unwell (calling their friends, arranging transportation, providing water, escorting them to a quiet area).



What equipment does the Chemsafe team have?


  • Chemsafe kits (contain condoms, lubricants, and information cards about the Chemsex counseling clinic and other relevant material).
  • Posters about overdose management and information cards with more details (in Swedish and English).
  • Information cards about different drugs, methods of use, and conditions caused by substances (ketamine and k-hole, GHB/GBL and g-hole, slamming, ‘party and play’, ‘high and horny’, suicide Tuesday, Chill Out Party).




Collectives and event organizers that we collaborate with:


Would you like to have Sexperterna/Chemsafe at your event and become our partner?


Send an email to chemsafe@stockholm.rfsl.se or call us at 076 495 65 70.

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